The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on December 6, 2018 promulgated a final rule “Emissions Monitoring Provisions in State Implementation Plans Required Under the NOX SIP Call.” This regulatory action amends the Part 75 applicability for certain sources in the Midwest (NOx SIP Call) to allow states to establish alternative, lower-cost monitoring approaches using PEMS (Predictive Emissions Monitoring System) technology, for example. This rule was deregulatory in nature and will certainly lead to lower monitoring costs along with reduced reporting requirements for affected sources in states that choose to revise their State Implementation Plans (SIPs).
This means that some facilities will no longer be regulated under EPA 40 CFR Part 75, instead, they will be regulated under 40 CFR Part 60. This is good news, since Part 60 regulations already contain provisions to certify and approve PEMS for compliance monitoring under the existing EPA standard (PS-16). PEMS represents a more cost effective approach to emissions monitoring. CMC Solutions can implement a PEMS solution typically within 90 days with guaranteed certification. This will allow you to turn your CEMS off for good.
CMC Solutions is a leading provider of PEMS and is well positioned to help you take advantage of this new ruling! We can evaluate your current emissions monitoring equipment and software. If you’re not sure if your facility is affected, we would be happy to look it up for you. If your facility is on the list or is currently running a CEMS for compliance with 40 CFR Part 60, then give us a call or send an email to